Discover How a Tooth Implant Can Renew Your Smile And Your Chewing Ability

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Decide for Yourself What Is The Tooth Implant Cost

Some people regard tooth implant cost to be really high. Even thin, this surgery is becoming very popular. People do not mind the cost of tooth implants because they get an opportunity to replace their soiled teeth with something which looks absolutely natural and also functions like one.

Tooth implant cost varies, starting from 1000 – 25000 dollars for just one tooth to 30,000 – 40,000 dollars from a set of tooth. The cost not only depends on the number of tooth that is implanted. It also depends on the condition of the jaw bone and its strength.

Insurances do not pay for tooth implant until and unless you lose your tooth in an accident. But dentists will show you places and help you out in paying for this surgery.

The cost that is incurred in tooth implants is not only due to the cost of the implant alone. It is easy to place artificial implants if there is a strong jaw structure to support this implant. However, if there is a deficit in the bone structure, then the charges of the implant will go up.

If you have a healthy bone then the tooth implant cost will include the removal of the existing tooth (incase if it is still intact) and also the fixing if the titanium inside the socket of the older tooth.


Titanium’s inert nature makes it a favorite of dentists for tooth implantation surgery throughout the world. The metal does not lead to any sort of negative reaction. The tissues inside the mouth remain unaffected in the presence of titanium. Titanium is used in many other major surgeries. It has been very successfully used in hip surgery also.


The surgery takes some months to be completed. The patients need to wait for 3 – 6 months until the titanium rod fuses completely with his jaw bone. The patient on whom the surgery has been done has to visit the doctor again for lifting the titanium rod above the gum line.

A ceramic crown which looks like a real teeth and also functions like a real teeth needs to be placed inside the socket. The costs that are involved are all included in the cost of tooth implantation.

The tooth implant cost increase in case an additional bone is required to strengthen the jaw. The bone that is fixed is taken from the body of the patient. It is extracted by an orthopedic surgeon from the chin area or the hip area. While opting for a tooth implantation surgery, always go for an experienced and an efficient doctor. 

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